About Duluth Charter Fishing
Duluth Charter Fishing allows you to book great charter fishing with six different captains on six different boats. Learn about the captains below. The boats are located in Canal Park – just a few minutes from the lake.
Captain Peter Dahl On Vessel Nauti Hooker

Duluth Charter Fishing Captain Peter Dahl is a lifelong resident of Duluth who grew up on the St. Louis River fishing since he was big enough to hold a pole. Fishing with his dad and uncle before the comeback of Lake Trout and the planting of salmon. Peter has been chartering on Lake Superior for 32 years. Captain Peter Dahl along with his wife Sue, the “Hooker Booker”, manage and coordinate the fleet of Hookers.
Captain Dave Dahl On Vessel Treble Hook

Duluth Charter Fishing Captain Dave Dahl is the son of Captain Peter. Dave has been fishing Lake Superior with his dad and grandfather since he was 6 years old. Dave has a passion for fishing and enjoys working with children. His boat the “Treble Hook” has been custom modified to seat a crew of 6 comfortably.
Captain Marty Running On Vessel Hooker IV

Captain Marty Running fished with his grandfather Don as a young boy and developed a passion for fishing the big lake taking every opportunity to fish he could, eventually quitting his “day Job” to pursue the lifestyle of charter captain. His boat “Hooker IV” is spacious and comfortable.
Captain Matt Massie On Vessel Five Star Hooker

Captain Matt Massie, Although not a blood relative, Matt has been with the Hooker family for many years. Matt has worked with many captains as a mate before becoming a captain himself. He has learned many of the tricks and invented some of his own techniques that puts him on a plain with the best. His boat “Five Star Hooker” is his pride and joy. Custom rigged and ready to fish.
Captain Riley Leslie On Vessel Happy Hooker

Captain Riley Leslie is a second cousin to Peter and Jon. He has been trained by Captain Jon and is a rising talent in the fleet. Riley is detail oriented and entertaining as well. The Happy Hooker is very comfortable and well maintained, it has always been a fish magnet.
Captains Jamie Cotner or Jake Stover On Vessel Hooker Too

Captain Jamie Cotner learned his Big lake fishing techniques by serving as a first mate with Captain Lindner. He has developed a few techniques not used by our fleet until now. He has been a innovator and experimenter adding to the overall success of the fleet. He is a a teacher in the off season and he enjoys teaching kids to fish.
Captain Jake Stover, Peter’s relief captain has risen through the ranks to be a confident and competent member of the team. Jacob is great with children, keeping them entertained and educated in the art of fishing.
The “Hooker Too” is fully rigged and is one of the faster charter boats in the area.
Captain Connor Suliin On Vessel Alumanauti

Captain Connor Sulliin has been fishing Lake Superior since he was big enough for his dad to take him. At the age of 15 he started mating on our boats. He has fished with all the captains and has perfected his skills at navigatiion and he has a knack for getting the fish to bite.
All the boats above are 32 foot Marinettes, the boat chosen most by Duluth Charter Captains. Made from sturdy aircraft grade aluminum, they are stable and fast, equipped with twin V-8 engines for speed and safety. They exceed coast guard safety standards and are licensed and insured. The captains are all FULL TIME and own their boats. They take pride in keeping them in shipshape condition and providing the kind of service to there customers, that keep them coming back year after year. Our boats are located at the Waterfront Plaza Marina, in Canal Park, just a few minutes from Lake Superior.
If you have trouble finding a date, we have several trusted affiliates for Lake Superior and the St. Louis River. Call Sue (218) 310-7636.